Monday 22 June 2015

Evening, all

As Canned Heat would say:

On the road again.

No update while staying with Ad and Carla in Hofsingelding because, although we enjoyed it, you would not have done. Far too much beer and food.

I set off this morning with a heavy heart as they are amongst my dearest friends and I shall miss them. They are my second family.

Anyway, none of your business and I doubt it's of interest to you.

Today was very much the curate's egg. The first bit was most pleasing: cool but sunny, ideal cycling weather. Cycling through prosperous Dachau, you just can't help but think, can you? How on earth did that happen? I have been round during previous stays, so gave that particular dose of gloom a miss.

I simply flew along; at this rate, I would be in the B&B by mid-afternoon. As ever, though, old man trouble was lurking in the wing and it was not to be. The wind, up to now a pleasant zephyr, became a howling gale - I always think of Cold Comfort Farm when I see the word 'howling', don't you? I digress. Soon, as if this were not misery enough, it started chucking it down and my misery was almost complete. I suppose a puncture might have helped...

Anyway, to cut a long, damp and rather dull story to the bone, I arrived eventually at my very lovely B&B near Augsburg, turned the heating on - yes, it is the day after the summer solstice - and discovered, as ever, no restaurants within miles. Fortunately, I found a bakery about to close and stocked up on cakes. Protein ? Who needs it. Another bonus is that there is a beer vending machine in the kitchen. Really.

Nature table

Well,some good news and some bad news here. 
I have NEVER seen so many slugs in my life. They are everywhere. Committing suicide in the road, fornicating, feasting on other slugs. Only a slug's mum could love it.

On the plus side, I arrived in time to see the fireflies in the woods next to Ad's place. Apparently they are only around for a very short time, and I was lucky. A first for me - seeing fireflies, that is. It was like a fairy dell.

Until the next time, which might not be tomorrow, as I am staying the other side of Ulm, so it will be a long day, and I have just noticed the B&B has no Internet.

Toodle pip...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,
    Good to hear that your first day went ok. What helped you most? The diet, the physical, or the mental relaxation? We (including Clooney) miss you already. We'll keep following you on this blog! Talk to you tomorrow!
    Ad, Carla, Joris, Clooney.
    PS seems that Joris made it to school today, allthough it was a short day he said ......


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