Sunday, 7 June 2015

Duke of Edinburgh

A strange and feverish night.  I dreamed I went flying with the Duke of Edinburgh. Seemed a nice old chap, though I admit a dream is hardly a reliable character witness.

Sunny, cooler.  Today I actually head properly east along the Loire. I am slightly concerned as I have numbness in my left hand, probably a trapped ulnar nerve. I can ride one-handed for a bit, but probably not to Munich.

Thanks for comment, Geoffrey, good to hear from people. I prefer to look on the loss of the jacket as a sign it's not going to rain any more.

A tout à l'heure.


  1. Salut mon Capitaine!
    Sorry to hear that both your body and your wardrobe are now somewhat reduced.Will the French stop at nothing in their quest for sartorial supremacy?
    I suppose now your solo trip is truly single handed.
    Re Duke of Edinburgh professional help or add more tonic water.
    All the best Phil

  2. Hi Chris,

    I can't help feeling that the optomistic view on the loss of your jacket is nothing shy of a symptom of too much beer!




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