Friday, 12 June 2015

Cycling tips and a useful navigation hint.

Today I road like a teenager on whizz. The reason? Eating. It makes all the difference. Not many people know that.

Actually, a bit more to it, the temperature has dropped, about 5 degrees, and the wind has disappeared completely. So, a pleasant cycle, largely along the Canal du Rhône au Rhin plus a few dedicated cycle paths through forests. Got lost around Mulhouse when diverted off the towpath, but unfortunately not back on again. The only snagette, and I don't know why this happens to me every sodding time I come to Germany, an enormous thunderstorm, so,  soaked to the skin again, but not the end of the world as it was still warm.

The navigation tip I'm going to give you is a useful one: just because you have found the right road, it's not necessarily going in the right direction. Fortunately, having passed my navigation exam as part of ppl training, it only took me 20 mins to realise that if the sun was on my left, there was a good chance I was not heading East.

A good thing: the pleasant and inexpensive hotel (that's why we're in Germany and not Switzerland) opened specially for us. A bad thing: but not the restaurant, and it's raining, and there's nowhere else to go. So, no food AGAIN.

1 comment:

  1. There's a theme developing here (in fairness, there are several, but I'm going to concentrate on one), I'm going to suggest that you carry an emergency pack of food with you so that if you rock up to anywhere that you are staying at they don't have food for dinner, you do have something to eat. You've already hinted at this, but it is so essential that you take on board fuel at the end of the day that is fully digested by the time you leave the following morning. Even if you get a good breakfast, it isn't digested for at least an hour and a half afterwards.

    Knowing you, you already know this, but I can't help feeling that the lack of evening meals is making this a less enjoyable trip.



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