Thursday, 25 June 2015

The end

I have been struggling a bit lately with a painful knee. Today's ride was hot, long and quite hard. I didn't enjoy it. The traffic in Germany is as bad as in the UK - on the whole, drivers are more considerate, though. Nevertheless, I have lost the desire to complete the task, it's become a chore, so I can't see the point.

I feel flat, a bit of a failure really. Tomorrow I shall cycle the 100 km to Strasbourg and think what to do next.

Thanks for listening.


  1. Hi Chris,
    Seems that you have done another 100+ k again yesterday. Maybe you can talk some sense into those Euro parlement members while you're in Strasbourg. I think you ought to try. Make sure they buy you a drink, if you mert one, they need your vote !
    You say toodle pip, in NL we say to-the-loo (nothing to do with loo).

    1. Maybe not Man of Iron, but I think I'm up there with Man of Lithium.
      Strasbourg is really nice. Had an Erdinger Weißbier with my curry.

      Tot kijk

    2. Maybe not Man of Iron, but I think I'm up there with Man of Lithium.
      Strasbourg is really nice. Had an Erdinger Weißbier with my curry.

      Tot kijk

  2. Hi Chris - the end? why not? If you're not having fun try doing something else. Not surprised 100km a day on the Autobahn is knocking you sideways and if you are missing meals etc then hello Mr Grumpy. How about a road less travelled?
    Also I note from photos that you are not wearing a vest. You only have yourself to blame.
    xx Aunty Phil

  3. Philip, I've been meaning to say this. Do you know, I really, really love you... Xx


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