Saturday 28 May 2016


Last year, the big problem was too much weight. Not just me, but the ridiculous amount of stuff I took with me. I threw quite a lot away and left even more with my friends in Germany, but still had too much.

This year, I solved the problem at a stroke. I left loads of stuff behind through sheer forgetfulness. So, no pump, tyre levers, spanner, no spares at all, in fact. No toothpaste. No charger for my music player - a tragic loss. How could anyone be so stupid? Actually, it was easy.

Very crowded train to London and a very big bloke in my booked seat. After an initial skirmish, he changed to being a pleasant big bloke, played rugby for Camborne and was off to London to have fun. As he'd had ten pints by the time we got to Exeter, I'm sure he did.

Cycled across London and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Lovely meal with Janet and Arf in the land of the white stiletto.

Night night all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that the ride across London went smoothly, and apologise for being late to catch up on your travels (travials?)- Geoff


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