Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Travelling South for the good weather.

That was ironic, by the way. Bit of a curate's egg sort of a day. Sad farewell to the B&B in Kranenburg and a weather eye on, well, the weather. The forecast was appalling. This was the B&B by the way.

The plan was to go to Groesbeek and pick up the cycle path along the Maas... a good idea in principle, but it was very rough going. It would have been ok on a mountain bike, but on my road bike, heavily laden, something was going to break. In the end, it became a race against the rain, and I averaged 20kph for 80km,which I think is pretty bloody good.

I do, honestly, like Holland. I lived here happily. God, it's ugly, though. There are some lovely bits... see below... but I am beginning to have had my fill of industrial estates and, indeed, very industrialised farming, but I won’t go on about that.

My kip for the night is just superb, see below. Only €54. Really.

Bought a few bottles of Chimay and the makings of a cheap but nourishing scoff. Who could ask for more?

On the nature table
Not a sausage.

Evening all.

I was going to put them on the nature table, but who would believe me?

A pretty bit.

Lest we forget. Lots of fighting around here.

the B&B


  1. Did you find the nice weather? I'm looking out at a clear blue sky, 22degrees and the same forecast for the next few days!!!

  2. Are you still off the grid? Awaiting next update from the Low Countries aka the deep end.
    Trust still pouring steadily, just the Chimay hopefully.


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