Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Some observations for you:

1/ why is it we do public transport in England worse than most places in Europe?

2/ Why am I the only person who actually likes Germany? If you haven't been, go there. It's relatively cheap, people are pleasant and by and large, it's very pretty. I'm in Kranenburg now, just inside Germany across the river from Nijmegen. It's lovely. If this were Sussex, the cheapest house would be a million. Here, it won't. Not by a long chalk. Anyway, that's my bit for the German Tourist Board. If you don't come, it's your loss.

The weather has gone from cold and wet to hot and humid. If there isn't a storm soon, I shall be surprised. I expect it's waiting until I hit the road.

Tonight, I'm taking my dearest friend Ad's daughter Thessa for a meal. Not having (thank Christ!) kids of my own, she's the nearest I have to a daughter. I've had the delight of watching her grow up with none of the tedious responsibilities that go with it, nor the cost.

And on the nature table: a cuckoo! My first this year. Very late. Haven't heard one in Cornwall, though Pat says she did yesterday.

Evening all.

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